Black tea is the highest oxidized form of all the tea leaves available worldwide. The leaves of Camellia sinensis, which is a small shrub, are processed to prepare black tea leaves. It is one of the most consumed beverages globally and is popular in many countries like India, England, West Indies, France, Italy, etc. The cultivation is done mainly in East and South-East Asia, and India is one of the largest producers of tea in the region. It is followed by Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and Korea as well!
How to brew tea?
Since it is the most consumed beverage universally, there is a standard procedure for brewing the tea to extract the best taste from the tea leaves. The tea leaves should be brewed carefully to avoid too bitter a taste and loss of nutritional value. The optimum temperature at which the tea leaves must be brewed is between 90 to 95° Celsius. 4 grams of tea leaves in 200 ml is enough for a serving of two persons. One should heat the vessel where the tea has to be brewed before starting the process as cold containers hinder the steeping process. Black tea served with milk, cream, or lemon must be steeped for 4 to 5 minutes for the best taste. Whole leaves or broken leaves require less brewing time and can be steeped for 2 to 3 minutes at the maximum.
Health benefits of Black Tea
More often than not, people think consuming too much black tea can be addictive and harmful in the long run. Too much black tea, which is not brewed, steeped properly, or re-brewed, can negatively impact health. Several health benefits are associated with black tea! Some of them are:
Packed with antioxidants: Black tea has polyphenols in generous amounts, which are known to slow down the aging process, fight cancer and improve the immunity system with their beneficial properties. The theaflavins in black tea are known to have improved cholesterol levels in the human body and fight diabetes and obesity! A group of polyphenols, known as catechins, also help in controlling body weight through improved metabolism.
Improved digestion and gut health: The polyphenols in black tea promote the growth of good bacteria that are beneficial for gut health. Essential bacteria beneficial for stomach health have been known to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, gastric infections, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation of the digestive tract, etc. Black tea is also an antimicrobial that eliminates any harmful microbes in our digestive tract.
Stabilizing blood pressure: Black tea has a stimulating effect on the body and helps in stress management. Certain chemicals in the tea effectively improve and maintain blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of diseases related to blood pressure fluctuations. Certain studies and research have also found surprising improvement in high blood pressure patients, who had lower, stable BP after consuming 2 cups of black tea daily for 6 days.
Regulates blood sugar levels: A catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, is known to enhance the functionality of insulin in the human body. This catechin is found in abundance in black tea. Many research conducted over the years has proven that black tea is a great replacement for sweetened beverages to help regulate blood sugar levels. People consuming black tea with cream and sugar must keep the consumption low, or at least the use of sugars low in case they have more than 2 cups of black tea a day!
Reduce the risk of Cancer: Black tea contains a large group of polyphenols that fight the growth of cancerous cells in the body. These polyphenols have been known to reduce the formation of hormone-dependent tumors in breast cancer patients and prevent cancer from resurfacing. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of polyphenols, which is one of the most important benefits of consuming black tea regularly.
Improves focus and concentration: The presence of caffeine and L-theanine (amino acid) in black tea makes it one of the best beverages for improving concentration and focus during activities involving high brain activity. L-theanine improves brain function tremendously, which is why black tea is preferred over other caffeinated beverages. The amino acid not only improves focus and alertness but also provides the energy necessary for brain function.
Lowers LDL levels: Low-density Lipoproteins are responsible for transporting cholesterol to the body's cells, which in turn accumulates in the form of unwanted body fat. Consuming black tea can lower LDL levels and help prevent risks related to unwanted cholesterol deposits in the arteries, such as stroke or heart attack. It is also important for regulating body weight and fighting obesity in overweight individuals.
Black tea is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and has been in consumption for a long time. British settlers who colonized the East and Southeast Asian regions promoted the cultivation of tea plants. Since tea requires a cool, humid, and temperate climate, these regions are ideal for tea plantations. The tropical regions are best suited, which receive ample amount of rainfall and sunlight to produce the best quality of tea. One such tea is Hind Raj Tea which is processed from the finest quality of black tea leaves straight from the hills of East India.
The aromatic and enriching experience of brewing Hindraj tea is unparalleled and unmatched. You can know more about our products on our website, or write to us for further details.